Help With Bipolar Challenges

We're Experts in Treating BIPOLAR condition

bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression illness. It is a brain disorder that causes extreme mood swings, energy and activity levels. This can lead to difficulties in daily tasks. Bipolar disorder sufferers have periods of: Depression! In some cases, you might be initially diagnosed with clinical depression. However, you may experience a manic episode later on (sometimes many years later). After which you could be diagnosed as bipolar disorder. An episode of depression can cause overwhelming feelings of worthlessness and may lead to thoughts of suicide. You should immediately contact Emergency Services or your Care Provider if you feel suicidal, or have severe depression symptoms. Dr. Wilma can help.

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You may feel extremely happy during a manic phase. You might spend large sums of money on things that you cannot afford or wouldn’t normally desire. This phase is also known for not feeling hungry or sleepy, speaking fast and getting annoyed easily. The manic phase of bipolar may be viewed as a positive experience by those who are creative and imaginative. You may also experience psychosis symptoms, which are when you hear or see things that you don’t believe are true.

Bipolar disorder sufferers experience intense emotions, unusual behavior, and changes in sleep patterns. These periods are known as “mood episodes”. These mood episodes can be very different to the typical moods and behavior of a person. Mood episodes can be characterized by extreme changes in energy, sleep, and activity.

Bipolar disorder can often cause extreme mood swings that interfere with daily life.

We're Expert in treating depression challenges

There are four main types of bipolar disorder.

All of them involve changes in mood, energy and activity.

Bipolar I Disorder is characterized by manic episodes lasting at least 7 days or severe manic symptoms that require immediate hospital treatment. Depressive episodes are also common and last for at least two weeks. It is possible to have depression episodes with mixed features, which can include both depression and manic symptoms.

Bipolar II Disorder – characterized by depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes but not full-blown manic episodes.

Cyclothymic Disorder, also known as cyclothymia, is characterized by both hypomanic and depressive episodes lasting at least two years (one year for children and teens). The symptoms are not diagnostic for a hypomanic episode or a depressive episode.

Other Specified Bipolar Disorders and Related Disorders – These are bipolar disorders that have symptoms that don’t match the ones listed above.

Bipolar disorder can be treated with a variety of methods. These treatments aim to reduce the symptoms and allow bipolar disorder patients to live as normal lives as possible.

These are the treatment options available:

Preventing episodes of depression, hypomania, and mania with medication. These medications are called mood stabilizers and they are used daily on a long-term basis.

When depression and mania occur, medication can be used to treat them.

Recognizing the signs and triggers of depression or mania is key.

Talk therapy is a type of psychological treatment that can help you cope with depression and offer advice on how to improve your relationships.

Lifestyle changes include regular exercise, planning activities that make you feel accomplished, and advice about improving your diet.

A combination of several treatment options is thought to be the best way for bipolar disorder control.

Why Choose Dr Wilma Kruger-Steyn?

Dr Wilma

Dr Wilma obtained her medical degree from Stellenbosch University in 2000 and completed her internship and community service at Potchefstroom Hospital she then moved to Canada with her husband where she worked as a GP for two years in The Pas, Manitoba.

While bringing her family back to South Africa, she worked in the private and state sector in Endocrinology and Female & Breast health. After gaining considerable life experience, she specialised in Psychiatry at Stellenbosch University.

As a General Psychiatrist she is passionately committed to providing a holistic and individual mental health care to both adolescents and adults.

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Do not take the risk of disregarding your mental health! We live in stressful times and the pressure society puts on us is ever increasing and after all quality of life is what makes us happy.

If you feel anxious and stressed and you feel you are overwhelmed it is wise to seek help and talk to a caring medical professional like Dr Wilma, so do not hesitate contact us today!